Sunday 8 April 2012


#1.  Endless Roads 3 - Land of Castles                                                                                    

·Roadtrip in Spain with the Longboard Girls Crew·
In this third episode, we return from Mallorca and visit Carlota’s parents in their family house in Denia. They invite us to paella right in front of the beach. We spend the night in Calpe and continue our journey to the country’s interior. Castillian landscapes, lands of castles and medieval towns are waiting for us.
[7 female riders, 1 van, 15 days, 4.300km, 416 GB of raw material… culminating in one video, divided into four chapters. The film documents the adventure of the trip, portraying the girls, their lifestyle and their passion for longboard.]
En este tercer episodio regresamos de Mallorca y visitamos a los padres de Carlota en Denia, los cuales nos invitan a una paella frente al mar. Pasamos la noche en Calpe y al día siguiente continuamos viaje hacia el interior de la península. Nos esperan los paisajes castellanos, tierra de castillos y ciudades medievales.
[7 riders, 1 furgoneta, 15 días, 4.300 kilómetros, 416GB de imágenes… Meses de trabajo! Todo ello se convertirá en un vídeo, dividido en cuatro capítulos, que documenta la aventura del viaje, retrata a sus protagonistas y muestra su pasión por el longboard.]
"Tema de amor" CARLO COUPE (Jesus Trujillo P y C Subterfuge Records/Música para un guateque sideral 2000)
"Hold Your Maker's Hand" JOE LA REINA (Subterfuge Records 2012)
Jauchzet Gott in allen Landen, BWV 51 - JOHANN SEBASTIAN BACH

Production team: Mónica Madenfrost, Jesus Asensio (Chus), Raúl Serrano (Ra).

#2. FEIST - The bad in each other

Director: Martin De Thurah
DOP: Kasper Tuxen
A+/Academy Producer: Dom Thomas 
A+ Associate Producer: Morgan Clement
Editor: Mikkel E G Nielsen
Post Production: BaconX / Jonas Drehn / Daniel de Vue
Grading: Sofie Borup 
Casting: Giselle & Ivan

Commissioner: Jannie McInnes

#3. The Stars as Viewed from the International Space Station.

Timelapse videos depicting the stars from low earth orbit, as viewed from the International Space Station. Images edited using Adobe Lightroom with some cropping to make the stars the focal point of each shot, and with manipulation of the contrast to bring out the stars a bit more.
The video plays best if you let it load a bit first.
Music: "Truck out There" by London PM.
A very big thanks to NASA astronaut Don Pettit (@astro_Pettit) for taking most of these images.
Dedicated to those who dream of exploring the solar system, and those who are sharing their experiences while doing it.

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